BGO is thrilled to acknowledge our most recent Comeback Champion - Carol Stevenson. Her story may sound familiar, as it was reported over numerous local and national media outlets. The BGO family is excited to say that Ms. Stevenson is now walking without the need of assistance, and was even able to dance on her wedding day!
With only two weeks to go until her magical day, Ms. Stevenson was running through her house and slipped on the hardwood floor, fracturing her hip during the fall. Dr. Kevin Denehy, joint replacement specialist at Bluegrass Orthopaedics, was called in to Baptist Health Hospital in Lexington later that Saturday to perform her surgery.
During the day of her accident, Ms. Stevenson was preparing for a very special day that she had been planning for quite some time! The year prior, in November, Mr. Everett Conyers, 73, of Nicholasville asked Ms. Stevenson, 67, for her hand in marriage. The couple had met through mutual friends the Christmas before - "We talked all night the first night we met, so I knew he was special", remembered Ms. Stevenson. They had been looking forward to their wedding day, scheduled for May 10th, but the fractured hip changed their plans.

After undergoing her surgery, Ms. Stevenson would need assistance at home for the first few weeks during her recovery. Mr. Conyers, the loving fiance, wanted to take care of his wife-to-be, but their devout Christian faith would not allow them to live together before marriage. So, Monday afternoon, with the help of Baptist Health staff, and a few friends, the couple married in the hospital chapel. Their Sunday school teacher, retired Fayette Circuit Court Judge James Ishmael Jr., performed the ceremony.
Their wedding day, April 29th, was also Mr. Conyer's birthday - "Being able to marry her is the best birthday present I've ever received".
They still had plans to have a ceremony on May 10th, their original planned wedding day, and Ms. Stevenson was determined to walk down the aisle, and dance with her husband during the reception. These pictures demonstrate that her wish was granted!
To learn more about our total joint physician, Dr. Kevin Denehy, please visit here!