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October 23, 2023

My name is Kyle Sutton, one of the Athletic Trainers employed at BGO working at Transylvania University. I wanted to take some time to share with you about a very important month that is coming up for a cause that is doing great things worldwide.

With the weather getting a little bit cooler, you may start to notice a lot of amazing looking mustaches walking around town or really anywhere in the country. While some may be celebrating a no shave November, many may be celebrating a cause to raise awareness and funds for men's health initiatives called Movember.

What is Movember you ask? It is a global movement bringing men and women together by growing some amazing lip sweaters and spreading facts to raise awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. What started as a group of friends growing a stache to raise awareness has grown into a worldwide fundraiser with over 340,000 participants and 87 million dollars raised in 2021 alone. From funding new drug trials, treatment methods, awareness campaigns, or seminars, Movember is changing the face of men's health.

As someone who has a long family history of prostate and testicular cancer and working with college-aged athletes where mental health is becoming a bigger issue, Movember has been a huge part of my life. In the last 14 years with the help of friends and family from across the country and world, I have been able to raise over $12,300+ that has all gone to men's health initiatives in my grandfather's name who passed away from prostate cancer at the age of 72. I knew that I would never be able to pay him back for everything that he taught me or did for me, but this was the perfect opportunity to pay it forward in his honor to help those who may be in the same situation or teach others about warning signs or where to get help.

If anyone would like to sign up, DONATE, or just learn more about Movember and their mission, head on over to Movember.com. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to participate! Thank you everyone for your time and I look forward to seeing some amazing staches!



November is a great month end of fall activities, family gatherings, and football watching. It is also men's health awareness month. From prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues, there are many different issues affecting men's health and causing men to die on average 4.5 years younger than women. A lot of these issues can be treated effectively if caught early enough. Here are some tips and resources for this very important month.
  1. Family History - Did you know that if you have an immediate family history of prostate cancer that you are 2.5x more likely to have prostate cancer yourself? Make sure to take the time with family this month to have those conversations so you know what to tell your healthcare provider about family history.
  2. Know What's Normal - Did you know that testicular cancer is the number one cancer among young men? Get to know what is normal feeling for you and when to contact someone if something feels wrong.
  3. Reach Out and Check In On Someone - Did you know that globally one man dies from suicide every minute? Make sure you are checking in on friends and family this holiday season to see how everything is going.
  4. Get Out and Move - Did you know that regular exercises can lower risks of many diseases such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer? Make sure to get out and get some movement
  5. Schedule a Checkup - Make sure to take time for yourself and your health by scheduling a physical with your physician yearly. What better time to schedule than during men's health month every year? Early detection is key.

These are just a few of the things to look for regarding men's health. For more information on men's health and initiatives and resources, make sure to check out Movember.

About the author:
Kyle Sutton, MS, ATC Transylvania University Athletic Trainer