Lexington Christian

Cameron Deckett,
Cameron has been married since 2018 to his wonderful wife Rebekah. They met in college in Missouri, where Cameron graduated with his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Athletic Training from Missouri State University. Before moving to Missouri for college, Cameron grew up in Omaha, Nebraska, where he went to Omaha Christian Academy. Outside of his work at LCA, Cameron enjoys being outside, volunteering on the photography team at his church, spending time with his family. A fun fact about Cameron is that he can take 2 breathes per minute for 5 minutes straight (He is working on getting to 10 minutes)

Andrew Carlson,
Andrew, originally from Sturbridge, MA, has a Bachelor of Science from The Pennsylvania State University (2006) and a Master of Science from The University of Kentucky (2008). Andrew splits his time as the Director of Business Development and Sports Medicine for Bluegrass Orthopaedics and as LCA's Athletic Trainer. When not working, Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, enjoying the outdoors and water sports. Although Andrew and his family reside just outside Lexington, his heart is at the beach! Andrew's passion for young athletes and sports medicine drives his career and looks forward to what the future brings for him and his family.
Connect With
Your Athletic Trainers
The athletic trainers at LCA can be found at different places depending on the time of the day. They arrive at the school around 1:30 PM and can be found in the athletic training room. They can be found in the athletic training room until rehabilitation treatments are complete. After that they can be found at practices or games. LCA Athletic Trainers are on campus for Middle School games, and High School games and practices.
The athletic trainers can be contacted through email.
Cameron Deckett, MS, ATC: cameron.deckett@bluegrassortho.com
Andrew Carlson, MS, ATC: andrew.carlson@bluegrassortho.com

What the Athletic Trainer
Can Do for You
The athletic trainers at Lexington Christian Academy perform many different functions, some that you may not know about. Their biggest job is to keep the student-athletes safe and as healthy as they can. They do this through these different areas.
Timely Referral to an Orthopaedic Specialist
LCA's athletic trainers have close relationships with the orthopedics physicians and physician assistants at Bluegrass Orthopaedics. These relationships allow for appointments to be made the day or day after an injury that needs advance imaging or evaluation, saving your family time and money compared to going to an emergency room, and then getting referred to a specialist to receive higher level care.
Injury Prevention
The athletic trainers help student-athletes be in the best state possible condition to compete well while minimizing the risk for injury. This is done by teaching proper body maintenance by properly stretching, foam rolling, and other soft tissue techniques, strength training, and maintaining proper movement mechanics.
Injury Evaluation
If an injury does occur, athletic trainers have the skill set to evaluate the injury and make the decision on what is the next best step for that athlete, whether rest, rehabilitation, or a more advanced diagnosis and imaging to discover the severity of the issue.
Injury Rehabilitation
After an injury occurs, student-athletes can spend time doing rehabilitation with the athletic trainers to help them return to their sports not only faster, but with less risk of injury if they did not do any therapy. At LCA, the rehabilitation focuses on returning to optimal mobility and strength, increasing movement efficiency, and preparation for explosive sport activity.
Emergency Preparation
In case of emergencies, the athletic trainers are trained to handle these situations. They have the skills and expertise to handle any emergency, while also helping emergency service personnel get to the scene as soon as possible if necessary.