Erin VanZanten, PT, DPT, CMTPT
Physical Therapist
Erin VanZanten, PT, DPT has been a practicing physical therapist for more than 11 years. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky where she completed her Bachelor's degree in Health Sciences as well as her Doctorate of Physical Therapy.
Her background is in orthopaedic rehabilitation and has experience in sports injury management with a focus on return to sport. Her love of sports started with playing softball and volleyball throughout her whole school career. She started at Ohio State in 2010 working in outpatient orthopaedics and then moved to Kentucky with her husband in 2012. While in Kentucky, she continued progressing in her passion for sport injury management and rehabilitation and gained more experience with Pilates training on the Core Align. Starting in 2015, Erin progressed her training and achieved her certification in dry needling as a CMTPT through Myopain Seminars. Her dedication with treating overhead athletes also allowed her to conduct pitching lessons for young softball players.
While not in the clinic, Erin enjoys being with her family including her husband and two boys Wesley and Austin. They enjoy being on the lake, water skiing, hiking, golfing, and watching their boys play sports.