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Comeback Champion:
Marc Frisiello

September 16, 2021

Bluegrass Orthopaedics is proud to acknowledge our latest Comeback Champion - Mr. Marc Frisiello! Mr. Frisiello shared his story with us, which can be found below.

"In November 2020, I began noticing some sensations in my right leg that I thought could be sciatica. Over the next two months, I experienced other symptoms in my arms, hands, hips - pretty much everywhere. I didn't have too much pain per se; what I had was loss of strength, function, dexterity, and sensation. It was very unsettling and also progressing, which made it worse both physically and psychologically. I am and have always been an active person: I've gone to the gym for years (and years...), I've studied martial arts, I'm a drummer. All of these things require everything I was losing, and so my quality of life really tanked. I was at work one day in January and after I saw my last patient (I'm a therapist), I was getting ready to leave and my right leg just kind of quit on me. That was the proverbial final straw, and the next morning I called BGO and spoke to Valerie, who got me an appointment the following day."
"As you might imagine, I had x-rays and an MRI done. After these were evaluated, I found myself in an office talking to Dr. Hunt, who told me I needed neck surgery. I never expected this and was a little freaked out--not solely because of how much functioning I had lost, but also because the prospect of surgery was pretty nerve-wracking. I spoke to Theresa, who got me scheduled very promptly, and in about two weeks I had ACDF surgery (with three fusions)."
MRI Image Showing Spinal Cord Impingement
"So my surgery was on 23 Feb 2021 - as I type this it is just over six months later (mid Sept). As far as how I am now, I went from walking with a limp (right leg was very impaired), having weird 'electric shocks' throughout my body, being physically numb over a good bit of my body, and having nearly no hand strength - and now, almost 100% back to normal after six months. I was unable to drive, play the drums, and go to the gym. I actually had trouble standing before surgery!"
"The first time I put my feet on the floor in post-op after my operation, I could tell my hips were more stable. I didn't feel like I would fall. I wasn't swaying like I had that very morning. I was able to walk to the bathroom unassisted. When I got home after surgery, the only thing I was allowed to do initially was walk. So I did every day, and added things to my routine as I could."
"I have to say that this recovery has been challenging and I worked (and work!) hard every day for the changes I've experienced, created, and been blessed to have. Nevertheless, without Dr. Hunt, the surgical team, and the great folks at BGO, I would never have made it this far. These folks are amazing and I have nothing but love and respect for them all. They each played a role in getting me from where I was to where I am now. I am grateful every day, believe you me!"

"This video was taken six months after the day I had my operation and two months before I turn 50. I want to share this with folks because I know how scary the prospect of neck surgery can be. My hope is that if you need a surgery like this and you read my story, you might find some encouragement and comfort in these words."

To learn more about orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Travis Hunt, please click here!

Travis Hunt, MD