Bluegrass Orthopaedics is proud to acknowledge our latest Comeback Champion - Mr. William Toon! Mr. Toon shared his story with us, which can be seen below.
"My story started about six years ago, while playing tennis I fractured my Acetabulum in Florida. It took 10 screws, a lengthy recovery and rehab before I was able to resume my activities. However, I continued to have a level of discomfort and pain in my hip. About two years ago, the pain had gotten so severe that walking was extremely painful, I could not sit for any length of time and I found myself having to limit my activities. Both my wife and I are outdoors people, we love to hike, kayak, bike and boat; I could no longer do these things."
"The first orthopedic surgeon diagnosed my problem as arthritis that was accelerated due to my previous injury. He said that I needed hip replacement surgery but was concerned with all of the hardware that I already had in my hip, so he referred me to Dr. Denehy."
"Dr. Denehy was upbeat, positive and gave me the confidence to proceed with the surgery. It was a great experience, I could not believe that within an hour of my surgery I was up walking with no pain."
"Words cannot describe how happy I was. After physical therapy and rehab, we were back to our outdoor activities and I was enjoying getting my life back. Well, about four months later I broke my ankle. Luckily, I was able to see Dr. Denehy, again, and he performed my ankle surgery. After a period of non-weight bearing, physical therapy and rehab, we are back to doing all of our outdoor activities."
"I have Dr. Denehy and Bluegrass Orthopaedics to thank for giving me my life back."
To learn more about Dr. Denehy, click here!