Dr. Denehy
Champion Patients
The Comeback Champion was created in conjunction with our annual BGO Night of Champions. BGO would like to provide a platform for our patients to share their personal experiences overcoming their injury and recovery. Please look through the stories below, as we are hopeful these individuals inspire you as they have inspired us.
What will hard work and determination do for your comeback?

Comeback Champion:
Dan Volpe

Comeback Champion:
Lena Cornett

Comeback Champion:
Charlie Cox

Comeback Champion:
William Toon

Comeback Champion:
Nora Ward

Comeback Champion:
Kenny Stiles
Comeback Champions
Community Care
Christensen Champion Patients
Donegan Champion Patients
Denehy Champion Patients
McGonigle Champion Patients
Harrod Champion Patients
Huff Champion Patients
D'Angelo Champion Patients
Hunt Champion Patients
Petersen-Fitts Champion Patients
Marwin Champion Patients
Crouse Champion Patients
Schafer Champion Patients